_ _ __ _ | | | | ___ _ _ ___ ___ / _| (_) _ __ ___ | |_| | / _ \ | | | | / __| / _ \ | |_ | | | '__| / _ \ | _ | | (_) | | |_| | \__ \ | __/ | _| | | | | | __/ |_| |_| \___/ \__,_| |___/ \___| |_| |_| |_| \___|LUMINARA "HOUSEFIRE" NAMADA TESTNET
Chain id: housefire-below.0b9e6c455af037 Version: v1.0.0 Purpose: Burner testnet Peer: "tcp://0ee20528dea1f74e7be7958767ecf924362682ea@"How to join/More info: Housefire homepage (Notion) Chain config .env: https://testnet.knowable.run/housefire.env Namada Config tar.gz: https://testnet.knowable.run/housefire-below.0b9e6c455af037.tar.gz Wasm tar.gz: https://testnet.knowable.run/wasm.tar.gz Snapshot: DownloadCommands to join:
# set custom configs server export NAMADA_NETWORK_CONFIGS_SERVER="https://testnet.knowable.run/configs" # join network # if your base_dir is not $HOME/.local/share/namada adjust this command accordingly namadac utils join-network --chain-id housefire-below.0b9e6c455af037 # add persistent peer (adjust for base_dir if needed) sed -i 's#persistent_peers = ".*"#persistent_peers = "tcp://0ee20528dea1f74e7be7958767ecf924362682ea@"#' $HOME/.local/share/namada/housefire-below.0b9e6c455af037/config.toml # ...and you're ready to start your node! namadan ledger run
Explorer (Shielded.Live by Mandragora/HackBg): https://shielded.live Interface (Namadillo): https://interface.knowable.run RPC: https://rpc.knowable.run Faucet: https://faucet.knowable.run Indexer: https://indexer.knowable.run/api/v1/pos/validator/all (See: https://github.com/anoma/namada-indexer/blob/main/swagger.yml for list of endpoints.) Masp Indexer: https://masp.knowable.run/api/v1/height (See: https://github.com/anoma/namada-masp-indexer/blob/master/swagger.yml ---- Links: